New Studies on Benefits of Tai Chi
I am so happy when I get reports of new studies on Tai Chi. Every months there is more “proof” in the western sense of the word that Tai Chi really works. Of course, those of us who practice tai chi and qigong know that it works. But scientific studies make it even better! Remember […]
The Power of Silence
A Tai Chi break is not just about movement, breathing and visualization. It is also about silence. When I started working with students of all ages, I thought I might have to make Tai Chi more dynamic to get and keep their attention. But that wasn’t true at all. After the first 2 or 3 […]
Self Esteem vs Narcissism
For many years I have talked about what I consider to be one of the greatest benefit of Tai Chi in the children I work with. IT IS SELF-ESTEEM. I believe that if a child has the tools to find success in school projects and tests, in forming friendships and working with others toward a […]
Thank you Harvard Medical School
Harvard University has participated in many studies on Tai Chi and has once again stated that: Tai Chi is on of the 5 best exercises you can ever do! It is not just for the elderly, or women or just men or adolescents or middle age. It is for everyone. Little Kids love Tai Chi Classes calm […]
US Government Study on Efficacy of Tai Chi for Children
A University of Michigan Pediatrician says Tai Chi is Safe and Effective for Children. Not all complementary and alternative therapies are safe for children. Some can be potentially dangerous. It is important to look at the various therapies and consult your doctor. Especially when we are treating children. But Tai Chi and Yoga are safe and effective. “Research […]